The Review of Securities & Commodities Regulation recently published “The Shift in Delaware Appraisal Litigation” (full article $$$), suggesting, as have other authors, that Delaware appraisal has moved to a realm where process questions are central to the appraisal analysis. This will be little surprise to readers of this blog; while appraisal is distinct

Probably – at least according to this analysis posted on the Harvard Corporate Governance Forum.  The analysis provides extensive discussion of Norcraft and Solera**, two recent decisions we’ve also noted.

The authors conclusion will be familiar to regular readers of this blog: “appraisal decisions likely will continue to focus on many of the

Last month the Delaware governor appointed attorney Andre Bouchard to take the helm of Delaware’s Chancery Court, where he will assume the Chancellor’s position vacated by Chancellor Strine’s elevation to the Delaware Supreme Court. The seventy-eight reported decisions that bear Mr. Bouchard’s name don’t tell the full story of the cases he has handled during